Health Information and Screenings

Southern Jersey Family Medical Centers is committed to helping educate the community we serve. We proudly participate in a variety of health fairs throughout the year. To request SJFMC’s participation in your community event, please complete the request form below. We do ask, however, that you read the following guidelines before completing the health fair request form.
Submission, Review and Approval Process:
- All organizations submitting a community health fair request must fill out a copy of our request form.
- We ask that organizations submit requests at least four (4) weeks in advance of the event.
- SJFMC’s participation at your event is based on staff and/or volunteer availability. There are no guarantees for attendance, although we will make every effort to accommodate you.
- Upon receiving your completed request, it will be reviewed and you will be contacted to confirm whether or not SJFMC will be able to participate.
- If we are unable to attend, you are encouraged to use the consumer health information that is offered on the website and/or contact SJFMC for educational materials at 609-481-3075.