Insurance Enrollment

SJFMC will assist you in applying for and enrolling in health insurance. There are several ways you can apply for insurance, and we are here to help!
When Can I Buy Health Insurance?
Open Enrollment happens once a year, from November 1 to January 31. It is typically the only time you can enroll in coverage unless you have a qualifying life event.
Certain life-changing events such as getting married, moving to a new coverage area, losing your NJ FamilyCare or losing job-based health coverage qualify you for a Special Enrollment Period (SEP). Some life events, such as pregnancy, having a baby, or adoption qualify you for an SEP and allow you to enroll in coverage with an earlier effective date. Certain life-changing events also allow consumers to make changes to their current coverage.
A Special Enrollment Period is also available for consumers based on yearly household income. Consumers with an annual income up to 200% of the Federal Poverty Level ($30,120 for an individual or $62,400 for a family of four in 2025) can now qualify for a Special Enrollment Period and can access nearly free health plans throughout the year. If you qualify for an SEP, you usually have up to 60 days after the event to enroll or change your plan.
(Note: You can enroll in NJ FamilyCare, the state’s publicly funded health insurance program with free or low-cost health coverage, any time of year.)
Losing your insurance coverage? Keep you and your family covered!
If you have lost health insurance or no longer qualify for NJ FamilyCare, you may be able to get health coverage through GetCoveredNJ. Compare health plans, costs, and learn how much financial help you may qualify for now. Nine out of 10 residents enrolling qualify for financial help.
How Can I Apply?
Meet with a trained SJFMC Health Insurance Navigator and receive free help to find a health insurance plan that is right for you and your family. To make an appointment to get covered, call us at 609-481-3100 or visit
Fill out this form to request assistance with health insurance enrollment.
If you are on Medicaid/NJ FamilyCare, make sure you check your mail and re-enroll to keep your benefits.
You will be receiving a letter from Medicaid requiring you to resubmit your personal information to keep your health insurance. If you do not respond, you may lose your coverage.
If you have moved, call NJ FamilyCare and update your address immediately so that you receive your letter. Hotline for Changes and Questions: 1-800-701-0710
For assistance please call our trained SJFMC Insurance Navigators at 609-481-3100
**Please bring your letter from the state to your SJFMC appointment**
To request and appointment with an SJFMC Insurance Navigator click here.
NJ FamilyCare is a federal-and state-funded health insurance program created to help qualified New Jersey residents of any age get access to affordable health insurance. NJ FamilyCare is for people who do not have employer insurance.
If you are interested in enrolling in NJ FamilyCare please look at the Who Is Eligible? section to see if you qualify. To view income eligibility limits for various family sizes, go to Income Eligibility and Cost.
The entire application process can be completed at any SJFMC health center with the help of a certified application counselor or a financial counselor. You can also complete the application at
All children can apply for NJ FamilyCare.
With NJ FamilyCare, income-eligible children under 19 can receive:
• Primary and specialty care, including check- ups and other visits • Eye Glasses • Hospitalization (both inpatient and outpatient) • Lab tests/x-rays • Prescriptions • Dental Services • Preventive Screenings | • Vaccinations • Mental Health Care • Substance Use Testing and Treatment • Vision Services • Hearing Services • Lead Screening • Family Planning • Other medically necessary services |
Visit to learn more and apply. Call 1-800-701-0710 (TTY: 711) with questions or to apply by phone.
Fill out this form to request assistance with health insurance enrollment.