Southern Jersey Family Medical Centers (SJFMC) shared inspirational stories from employees in an informative flyer to show that there are no glass ceilings at federally qualified health centers. Southern Jersey Family Medical Centers employs 220 employees at eight sites in southern Jersey. SJFMC careers include nurses, physician assistants, doctors, medical assistants, lab technicians/phlebotomists, dentists, social workers, behavioral health counselors, security guards, information technology experts, human resource directors, chief operating officers, billers and community health workers. Statewide, FQHCs employ 3,170 individuals, including 1,858 medical professionals, according to the New Jersey Primary Care Association. New Jersey’s FQHCs provide comprehensive, culturally sensitive, high-quality primary medical, dental and behavioral health services for all ages. There are currently 24 FQHCs in New Jersey. These centers and their 134 satellite sites provide health care services to over 500,000 people in New Jersey. A variety of career opportunities exists at FQHCs.
FQHCs are in every state across the nation. FQHCs are authorized under Section 330(A) of the Public Health Services Act to provide healthcare to the medically underserved. Many health centers and their sites are specially designated to serve the needs of special populations including homeless populations, public housing residents, migrant and seasonal farm workers, veterans and school-aged children. For more information about the HRSA Health Center Program, please
click here.